Indonesian Dictionary 2.0 for Excalibur

1. Introduction

This Indonesian Dictionary is composed for a freeware spell checker
"Excalibur," so you should also install a copy of Excalibur into your
Macintosh. If you don't have any copy of Excalibur, you can get it
from its official home page: At the site, you
can also find dictionaries of other languages or of technical terms.

 You can use and distribute this dictionary freely, however, please
 give your friends the original dictionary file with this "ReadMe"
 file as this dictionary is not for the public domain. And, when you
 use this dictionary, use with your own responsibility. I will never
 guarantee any of your damages which caused by using this dictionary.

2. About This Dictionary

This dictionary includes over 20,000 words which used in Indonesian
major mass media, like Kompas or Tempo, also with many Indonesianized
English words like "modernisasi," "reformasi," "otoriter" and so
on. Spelling of registered words is subjecting to modern Indonesian
orthography except for some place names and person's names. However,
number above is of registered words, not of actual words. In
Indonesian language, to treat a hyphenated word (for example,
"sayur-mayur") as a combination of two separate words is wrong because
in many cases one of the separated words (here, "mayur") has no
meaning (like "kith" from a phrase "kith and kin"). However, in this
Indonesian dictionary, I separate each word as if these are two
separate words with considering existence of option setting of
Excalibur for hyphenated words.

I should also tell you about limits of this dictionary. This
dictionary includes few Indonesian slangs except for frequently used
words such as "kamu," "aku" and so on. Further, it includes few place
names and persons' names but famous figures such as "Megawati" and
"Gus Dur" and some major place names. So too for Acronyms, it is
simply because I always use this spell-checker with "Ignore all CAPS"

Even though with such limits, I think my little Indonesian dictionary
is useful for simple reports, personal letters and so on. I have ever
used this dictionary for to write the official research reports for
Kantor Sospol and the quarterly progress report for LIPI, when I have
been in my fieldwork in Indonesia as a student of cultural


ver. 1.8.2; 05 Augustus 2003: Minor update. Only tens words are added.

ver. 1.8.1; 30 November 2002: Minor update.Only tens words are added.

ver. 1.8; 27 November 2000: New words are added to former version.

ver. 1.7; 28 June 2000: In this version, wrong words (about 50 words)
are corrected, and new words are added to former version.

ver. 1.6; 12 May 2000: In this version, wrong words are corrected, and
almost 4000 "-nya" words added for convenience.

ver. 1.3; 18 March 2000: In this version, wrong words are corrected,
and some 2000 words added.

ver. 1.0; 01 December 1999: First release.

4.About The Author

Masanori Kaneko